Wednesday, December 22, 2004

12 minutes run, 1 minute walk. Repeat 3 times.

Today's stats

It was bloomin windy today, struggled with the long run that is about half way through my route, as I was running into the wind, which accounts for my slightly elavated heartrate.

Hi Focus, just found this.
Looks like you are doing really well with the run walk - you are where I was abotu a year ago.

Do keep it up!

I've done a couple of half marathons now - and have just got a place in teh FLM, so serious trainig has begun (I am much slower than you though.
Thank you for the words of encouragement.

I'm about a week away from running for a constant 30mins and I really am amazed at how far I've progressed in such a short space of time.

Looking to do a ½ marathon myself at some point next year, it's just a case of finding one fairly close to home.
Hi Andy -- like beanz said, you're doing really well! I'm running my first half marathon in march! Can't wait although I'm a bit nervous too! Most I've run is 8 miles so far and in 75 mins.
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