Monday, January 03, 2005

30 minutes continuous

Today's stats

Oh dear, weight is starting to climb a bit, must be all the christmas cheer. Back to work tomorrow so should get back into a proper routine, I'm aiming to go out running every other day for at least 30 minutes.

I'm going to have to start thinking about what I'm going to do after this week, training wise. I don't really want to start any sort of schedule I just want to build the mileage up, but I'm not sure what will be the best way of going about it.

Well done on the 30 minutes!

You could look at base training - basically the aim is to gradually build up to an hour a day, every day (if you can fit it into your life).

But do it gradually - so do 30 minutes every other day to start with, then when you can do that comfortably gradually increase one of your runs a few minutes at a time, so you have one run which is longer than the others - but still at a steady pace.

Then try some two consecutive days .... you get th eidea - you should never increase by more than 10% in a week they say.
Thank you.

Apologies for taking so long to reply, I've been working late shift and don't get chance to get on the PC when doing that awful shift.

When you say 10% do you mean in time or distance?
Isorry to be even longer - been workign away - I don't think it matters whether you go for 10% time or disatnce - unless you are getting significantly faster it will amount to the same thing.
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